Get on the waitlist for the Legendary LeadHerShip Mastermind

Amplify your career, get noticed, make more money, and impact as change agents in 10 weeks.

Calling all burnt-out social nonprofit and service professionals. I have a few questions for you:

  • Are you tired of being passed over for promotions? 
  • Working 60 hour work weeks with no time for your personal life?
  • Dreading Monday mornings because work doesn’t excite you anymore, your ideas aren’t being heard, and you aren’t making the difference you thought you would?
  • Have you updated your resume more times than you’d like to admit, with no scheduled interviews?
  • Are nonprofits ghosting you after an initial interview?

You’re tired of it and I’m tired for you, too. It doesn’t have to be like that. 

Yes, you can go from unfulfilled, unappreciated, and underpaid to working in a purpose-driven career where you’re making some serious change, (and I mean money, too).

Stop navigating your career from an aimless “whatever is available” approach and curate an actionable career strategy that supports your career, along with the people and communities you serve.

  • No, you don’t need more degrees.
  • No, you don’t have to stick with a job you hate, not love. 
  • No, you don’t have to play it safe. 
  • No, you don’t have to kiss your leader’s backside to get a promotion or salary increase.

Listen, I’ve been a leader in the nonprofit/social impact industry for close to two decades and the honest truth is, many of you are surviving in spaces that are fostered to do good for the people you serve but that good doesn’t necessarily trickle it’s way to the employees doing day to day work.

I get it, you’re sick of it and you should be.

Now that we agree that every nonprofit space isn’t designed for growth and empowerment, let’s talk about what we can control – ourselves and the choosing of organizations that are in alignment with our vision for success. What’s next for you and your career?

  • Yes, You can thrive in a high-paying, high-impact, and highly exciting position, with the title, salary, and team to match. Secure a minimum $10,000 salary increase for your next role.
  • Yes, You can break the glass ceiling in a purpose-driven career, and curate whatever version of work/life balance you desire. Learn to advocate for yourself every day not only during salary negotiations. Advocate for flexible work hours, professional development, and mental health perks.
  • Yes, You can learn how to articulate your value add and become an industry thought leader – and get paid like one too. Curate the perfect pitch, build confidence by talking about your work and never find yourself lost for words again during an evaluation or interview for a promotion.
  • Yes, You are already an expert. The industry just needs to see you as one. That’s where professional branding comes into play. Networking shouldn’t feel sleazy, and it doesn’t require being able to “work the room”. Learn how to network your way into conversations that won’t require you to be present.



  • SUCCEED at obtaining promotional opportunities at work while putting your family first.
  • ADVANCE in a career that brings you joy and a salary in alignment with your expertise and credentials.
  • IMPACT communities of people to bring about change in the world.
  • LEAD and create empowering environments that foster equitable opportunities for everyone.

After 17 years as a nonprofit/social impact executive, nonprofit founder, and certified career + executive coach, I’ve done a lion’s share of curating professional development curriculums, facilitating capacity-building training for leaders, and developing recruitment strategies for change agents in the industry. Not to mention the 2500+ job-seeking candidates I’ve engaged through reading and sourcing resumes/cover letters, reviewing application projects, 1:1 interviews, and onboarding.

It’s fair to say, I know a thing or two about what recruiters and nonprofit leaders are looking for when it comes to transitioning into a new position or advancing in your current role. I’ve created the Legendary LeadHerShip Community because I continue to hear ambitious women and professionals’ frustrations with advancing in or transitioning out of their current careers.

Does this sound familiar?

  • You hate your current job and you’ve convinced yourself that you should stay because there’s a single perk that you enjoy. Ex. “I hate it here, but at least I get to work remotely.”
  • You don’t feel confident about what you do at work so you’ve convinced yourself that staying in the same role for a long time (two years) will get you a promotion internally or will give you enough “experience” to put on a resume for a new job. Ex. “I do more than what’s on my job description so I deserve a promotion or title change however I don’t know how to articulate the extra things I do.”
  • You keep getting passed up on promotions.
  • You make it to the interview phase in your job search, but you noticed employers are ghosting you.
  • You hate writing cover letters and updating your resume so you enjoy clicking the “quick apply” button.
  • You need more flexibility from your employer and don’t know how to ask for what you want.
  • You wait until you hate your current role before you start to look for another position.
  • You’re a new or emerging leader with less than 3 years of leading a team and you need support on how to be a great first-time manager.


The time is now. Calling all change agents to create and activate a Strategic Career Plan that will get you noticed, promoted, and paid. Amplify Your Career + Impact Accelerator is for ambitious women and professionals who desire to get back hours of their day because advancing within and transitioning into a new career shouldn’t feel like a part-time job. Get recognized by employers for the value add that you bring to organizations, foster a reputable professional brand that opens doors, and make some serious change, not just impact but money too!



A 10 Week Career Advancement Accelerator for Change Agents

Define and secure the purpose-driven career you love!

What to Expect…

  • Online lessons that fit your busy schedule.
  • Access to my proven framework to create and activate your Strategy Career Plan in 10 weeks.
  • Weekly live coaching calls and access to the recordings.
  • Weekly access to the Ask a Coach tool.
    • Access to common frequently asked questions.
  • Downloadable worksheets, infographics, case studies, and/or guides for all lessons.
  • Bonuses. When you enroll in our online Legendary LeadHer Community, you are a member for life and you get access to the pre-recorded webinars hosted by certified coach Rashell Paling but also some of her coach friends.
  • Connection and accountability with women and professionals in the nonprofit/social impact industry.


Let’s talk about it.

  • You’re tired of getting passed over for promotions.
  • You don’t have a Linkedin Page and you get overwhelmed thinking about starting one.
  • You want to help people, but you want more money.
  • You need someone to help keep you accountable for your career success.
  • You have a jammed-packed schedule and don’t know when you can get this done.

If this sounds familiar, and you heard yourself say “um hmm” under your breath, then you are in the right place and amongst great company.

Having worked with Rashell in the past and seeing her shine a light on something so intuitive was amazing. She knows her stuff!! ~ N. Williams

You are the CEO, CFO, and COO of your life, make the decision to create and activate your purpose-driven career today.

Client Love

Corporate Review

Master of strategic operations management, is what Rashell truly is. With powerful innate leadership and management acumen, Rashell has been...




Master of strategic operations management, is what Rashell truly is. With powerful innate leadership and management acumen, Rashell has been taking charge of an entire career center's operations, HR, compliance, and career advisement functions with ease and efficiency. I have been fortunate to have Rashell on my management team this year, and have relied on her fully in many critical situations. As a manager, she is truly dedicated to grow staff to new levels, exposing them to challenges and opportunities to learn. Many results of Rashell's work have become staples of best practices across other career centers, and the organization as a whole. She never stops thinking, improving and changing processes and infrastructures for the betterment of the bottom line. I know she will succeed and excel in any role and undertaking currently and in the future, and hope I can play a role in her further professional growth as a leader.

Level Up on Linkedin

Having worked with Rashell in the past and seeing her shine a light on something so intuitive was amazing. She...

N. Williams


N. Williams

Having worked with Rashell in the past and seeing her shine a light on something so intuitive was amazing. She knows her stuff!!

Linkedin Service

Her message was clear and concise, and her presentation gave examples for those visual learners like myself.

Venice Garner-Moore


Venice Garner-Moore

Her message was clear and concise, and her presentation gave examples for those visual learners like myself.